Post Mortem


On day one I started late so all I could get done was my brainstorming. My concept was that you were a fire trapped underground guarded by ice. The ice would instantly kill you no matter your size. Lucky you could split there by giving you more health but the bigger you were the more damage you dealt.


On day two I got started working all things Player; top down movement, shooting the bullets (Embers), Growth, duplication and starting on the art. Something I am now realizing is that I spent WAY too much time getting my move damping to work.


On day three I started by finishing the art for the bonfire then implemented v1 of the Ice Cube’s art, Along with that I put in the AI for the Ice cubes which just run toward you.

Now I should probably mention that I was planning on implementing 3 enemies, Three Layers, and Three Bosses. But Starting Day one I realized that I REALLY over scoped. But still panned on adding two Enemies, three layers and a Boss.


On day four I put in the Icicle AI v1 world, put in world generation, Level 2 Enemies (Not Originally Planned), the Special Tiles (Grass, and Hole (Not Originally Planned)), and the boss, Leaky Bucket Creator of Ice, AI. The Level generation is similar to that of Spelunky.  The Grass tile Lets you and Ice cubes through while projectiles dissipate and the holes let projectiles over but stops Ice cubes and Players from walking over them.


On day Five I put in the art for the walls Grass, Hole, Ember, and Icicle and also made some more rooms for level generation.


On day Six my Last day of working because I started one day late, I put in sound effects, Menu’s The water droplet art and menus, but it was still missing something Boom Game feel elements (Screen Shake, Post Processing, and Particle Effects). All in all I think my game came out pretty good though I did decide to leave out one Layer and the boss as I didn’t have time during the jam. After words I might go back and add them plus some more variance in the rooms and a third enemy. But I am not sure I might leave it as is.

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